Next years Fair is June 14th 2025


Admission to the Fair and the Programme are FREE

Parking costs

£5 per car

The attendants will give you the programmes. The Programmes are Free

All proceeds from the Parking go to local Charities and Amenities

Where to Park

There are 2 official parking options for the Abinger Fair.
The field at the top of Sutton Lane or
In the field off Abinger Lane near the junction with Evelyn Cottages.

Local landowners generously donate the use of their fields to provide two car parking facilities.

Due to the obligation of providing unrestricted Emergency service access at all times, you will be encouraged to use the official car parks.

All the proceeds from the parking go directly to the charitable fundraising of the Fair. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Please note that there is NO thoroughfare along Abinger Lane (see map for details).

Admission and Programmes

Admission to the fair is free.
Programmes for the fair are free.

Blue Badge Parking

There is a drop off point opposite the pub. This gives access to St James's Church and the green. Part of this is a tarmac path.

The Blude Badge Parking is near the Pub. Look out for the Blue badge parking signs.


There are no restrictions on dogs being present.But they must be kept under control and on leads at all times.

Abinger Mediaeval Fair 2025

The Fair in 2025 will be on Saturday June 14th from 2pm

The Abinger Fair Committee, its servants and agents accept no responsibility for (i) loss or damage to any vehicle, its contents and accessories, or to any other property whatever, and/or (ii) any injury to persons or animals at this event, however such loss, damage or injury may be caused, including by negligence.